South African Association of Consulting Professional Planners
This is the homepage of the website of the South African Association of Consulting Professional Planners (SAACPP). The Association concerns itself with spatial planning and land use management, also commonly known as town and regional planning. The Association is divided into 2 main regions namely:
- North Region (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North-West, Limpopo, Free State and KwaZulu Natal); and
- South Region (Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape)
We believe in delivering high quality professional service to the property development industry. The SAACPP offers property owners, developers and government institutions on-demand planning advice and services.
Welcome to the website of the SAACPP North Region. The Association represents firms of Consulting Professional Planners in private practice in the provinces listed above. This is the central information portal for contacting consulting professional planners. The SAACPP website provides access to contact details of members of the Association whilst providing information to interested and affected parties relevant to the consulting sphere of planning.
The South African Association of Consulting Professional Planners (SAACPP) was previously known as the ACTRP (the then Association of Consulting Town and Regional Planners). The Association is an organisation representing Professional Planners in private practice and is a Recognised Voluntary Association, registered with the South African Council for Planners in terms of the Planning Professions Act, 2002 (Act 36 of 2002).
Contact information:
Postal address: P O Box 36086, Menlo Park, 0102
E-mail address: info@saacpp.org.za
Fax number: 012-362 0983
Contact telephone number: 012-362 1741
Members of the SAACPP are firms, companies and partnerships of Registered Professional Planners who ascribe to a strict Code of Conduct and remain subject to the Rules and Regulations published by the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform under the provisions of the Planning Professions Act, 2002 (Act 36 of 2002).